"Chicago" : April 25 - 26 (Central Time)
"Rome" : May 16-17 (Central Europe Time) - WAIT LIST
"Los Angeles" : May 30-31 (Pacific Time) - WAIT LIST
"Sydney" : June 6-7 (Australian Eastern Time)

Get Your Official
Event Shirt!
Premier Online
X-wing Tournament!
4 Event Series
Each event will be played over 2 days. Day 1 will consist of up to 6 Rounds of swiss. Competitors that make the top cut will play single elimination the next day.
More Info Below!
Unified Timer
This event will be run just like an in person event. We will be using TableTop.TO to keep a unified clock for all games being played.
More Info
Real Prizes
Everyone will be receiving a participation prize via mail, but we are not stopping there! Faction Prizes, Top 64, Top 16, Top 8, Top 4, and a Championship Belt.
More Info below!
Played on TTS
Players will be required to use Table Top Simulator and the Unified X-wing 2.0 mod to play in this event. There are also more technological expectations in place to aid in the smoothness of the event.
More Info
This event will be using the extended format and using FFG's Advanced Structure. The Event will be capped at 148 players.
More Info Below!
Tournament Summary
The GSP Space Jam is 2 day Online X-Wing tournament utilizing the Table Top Simulator and the Unified X-Wing 2nd Edition module. The event will be run like an in person X-wing event. Each round for all players will start and end at the time. All 6 rounds of Swiss will be played consecutively with a short break after round 3.
Players are expected to respect each other's time and follow all instructions in order to keep the event running smoothly. Players who show up late or late any round will be given a round loss. Showing up late to 2 rounds will result in removal from the event WITHOUT a refund.
This will be played as a Premiere level event. Players are expected to be familiar with the rules of X-Wing Second Edition and be comfortable with using table top simulator.
Tournament Schedule
Time Zone is Dependent on event "Location."
Saturday - Swiss
9:20 am Pairings and Check in: Go to your assigned table on discord
9:50 am Check in closes: Being late will result in a round 1 loss.
10:00 am Round 1 timer begins
11:40 am Round 2 timer begins
1:20 pm Round 3 timer begins
Get Round 4 Set up 1st THEN take Short Break
3:20 pm Round 4 timer begins
5:00 pm Round 5 timer begins
6:40 pm Round 6 timer begins
8:20 pm End of Day Announcements Via Live Stream
Top Cut Announcement
Sunday - Top Cut
9:20 am Pairings and Check in: Go to your assigned table on discord
9:50 am Check in closes: Being late will result in a round 1 loss.
10:00 am Top 16 timer begins
11:40 am Top 8 timer begins
1:20 pm Top 4 timer begins
Optional 20 min Break if players want it.
~3:00 pm Final timer begins
Starting Each Round
Before the event, before every round, and at the end of every round you should be in the "Space Jam Announcements" Voice Channel
Dion will announce the start of the round and begin a unified 85 minute timer.
Go to the EVENT LINK on TableTop.TO and REFRESH the page. You will see the time ticking down.
Then see what table you are assigned. Keep this window/tab unmuted and open or minimized.
Go to the GSP Discord Voice channel that corresponds with your table number.
Confirm that your opponent is who you are assigned to play
Player 1 (player listed on LEFT side of pairings) is responsible for making the TTS room
Name the room - spacejam# (Example: spacejam54)
The number is table number you are assigned.
Your room's password MUST be: GSP# (Example: GSP54)
The number is table number you are assigned.
Spawn TWO copies of your squad, setting one in your play area and the other on the unused table
Spawn your list using 1 of the 2 methods below
Using the YASB TTS text import​
If you require color coding, you must have saved your list already color coded in your "saved objects" in TTS.
Color coding during set up of a game is not allowed for the sake of time.
Once set up is complete, start your table clock on TTS and begin play
Reminder: Be sure TableTop.TO is unmuted and open or minimized so that you know when the round ends.
When your game is complete, BOTH Players must enter/confirm the results on Table Top TO.
If the event round timer goes off before your table timer, your game is over. Finish that round and report your score.
Entered and confirmed scores WILL NOT be changed, be sure to enter an accurate score.
Tech Issues, Expectations & Resources
All players signing up for the event MUST:
- Know the basic of using Table Top Simulator​ (5 games minimum)
- Communicate to their opponent Via Discord Voice chat
- (Using headphones/headset is highly recommended)​
- Report all results on Table Top TO
Here are some resources to help get you familiar with TTS​
Hexiled Gaming Tutorial (These are great)
GSP Long Tutorial​
Technology issues always happen but make sure to set yourself up for success by testing to make sure your devices can run/access all required programs and sites at the same time.
Worse Case Scenarios:
In the event of an event wide TTS failure we will add time to the event clock and if need be, postpone matches to another date.
While we don't have control over all the issues, we will do our best to mitigate issues as they arise.
Rules Questions/Judges
This event will have judges available for question through out the event.
If a judge is needed:
both player should move over to the Judge Room voice channel
Judges will speak with players and if need be join the players game on TTS.
DO NOT call a Judge for range/arc checks. TTS does all of this for you.​
The right click arc checker supersedes the visual arc checker.
Faction Prizes
Top in Faction: Full Set of Frosted Faction Cards​
Top 8 in Faction: 1 frosted pilot card for your faction
Separatists​: General Grievous
Scum: Ketsu Onyo
Republic: Ric Olie
Rebel: K-2SO
Resistance: Poe Dameron
Empire: Grand Inquisitor
First Order: Major Vonreg
1 Captain Seevor Frosted Plastic Card
Top 64:
3 Frosted "Space" Jam Tokens​
Top 16: GSP Space Jammed T-Shirt
Top 8: Transparent Frosted Blue Event
Exclusive Templates
Top 4: "Space" Jam themed District
Foundry Tournament Box with
Large Ship Compartment
(in production and will update image
when available)
Winner: Championship Belt