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Flight Club Champs Summary


The Flight Club Championship event series is an online X-wing 2.0 competition.


The Flight Club Championship event series includes a set of qualifying events (FCQ) that will put players into a championship event with players of similar skill/experience level. The event series will conclude with 3 separate championship events for each of our 3 levels. Theses 3 Levels are Recruit, Veteran, and Ace.


Each qualifier will have 6 rounds. Players are allowed to play in as many FCQs as they would like. Your best performance in a qualifying event will place you in the corresponding championship event. 


Recruit Championship - Players with a best performance of 0-2 wins in a FCQ
Veteran Championship - Must have a best performance of 3-4 wins in a FCQ
Ace Championship - Must have a best performance of 5-6 wins to in a FCQ


Each Championship event will run on a different day and will crown a separate Champion for each event. A player can only participate in 1 (one) Championship event. If the date for their corresponding Championship event doesn't work with their schedule a player may attend a lower tier championship if their average performance is equal to that level.


All events in the series are played utilizing the Table Top Simulator and the Unified X-Wing 2nd Edition module.


Players are expected to respect each other's time and follow all instructions in order to keep the event running smoothly.  Players who show up late for synchronous events or miss scheduled asynchronous game will be removed from the tournament WITHOUT a refund.


This will be played as a Premier level event. Players are expected to have working understanding of the basic rules of X-Wing Second Edition and be comfortable the basic functions of Table Top Simulator. Lack of knowledge of how to use the basic functions of TTS or personal technological failure will also result in you being removed from the tournament WITHOUT a refund.


Tournament Schedule

  • Time Zone is Dependent on event "Location."   

  • Day 1 (Saturday)- Swiss

    • 8:45 am - Sign into discord and wait in "Event Ready Room" voice room

    • 9:00 am - Player meeting/Announcements begin

    • 9:20 am - Tables are assigned for attendance taking, wait in your assigned table on discord

    • 9:30 am - Check in closes. Players not at their assigned table for attendance are dropped

    • 9:50 am - Return to "Event Announcements" voice room

    • 10:00 am - Round 1 pairings go up and Round 1 timer begins.

    • 11:40 am - Round 2 timer begins

    • 1:20 pm - Round 3 timer begins

    • 3:00 pm - Break

    • 3: 10 pm - Round 4 Pairings go up 

    • 3:20 pm - Round 4 timer begins

    • 5:00 pm - Round 5 timer begins

    • 6:40 pm - Round 6 timer begins

    • 8:20 pm - End of Day Announcements

  • Sunday - Top Cut (Top 16 or 32 dependent on attendance)

    • 8:45 am - Sign into discord and wait in "Event Ready Room" voice room

    • 9:00 am - Player meeting/Announcements begin

    • 9:20 am - Tables are assigned for attendance taking, wait in your assigned table on discord

    • 9:30 am - Check in closes. Players not at their assigned table for attendance are dropped

    • 9:50 am - Return to "Event Announcements" voice room

    • 10:00 am - Top 32 or 16 (depending on event attendance) pairings go up and the timer begins.

    • Single Elimination Rounds continue till Final

    • Optional 20 min Break if players want it before Final

    • Final will only be 75 min.

    • ~3:00 or ~4:45 pm Final timer begins.





Each qualifying event will award a ranking to each player depending on their performance. Players can play in as many qualifiers as they would like.


Championship event placement is based on a player's BEST performance in a qualifier.


Players will receive physical prizes that will be shipped at the conclusion of this series. All prizes will be shipped with tracking!


Prizes include a ranking pin earned by your best performance in a qualifier.

Played on TTS

Players will be required to use Table Top Simulator and the Unified X-wing 2.0 mod to play in this event.


Custom models, dice rollers, or any other custom TTS items may be used in game if both players agree.

Extended &


This event series  has qualifiers in both Hyperspace and Extended.


Be sure to read the rules for each event you join!

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